Monday, December 17, 2007

Extra: Now Hear This!

Cari "the very Awesome" Dawson has passed the Indiana State Board Hearing Test. That's correct she did it on her first try! Thanks to all those who helped to prepare her and who paved the way for her to pass this state test. She's now the expert! Look out! Congratulations.


Tara Sage said...

CARI IS AMAZING!!! She completely dedicated herself to learning the material, and her hard work has truly paid off. I'm so proud she's my dispenser! :)

Amanda said...

Go Carrie!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks goes out to all those that were such a big part in my preparation..Jay/Brian/Matt for making it all possible.. Linda for her killer teaching skills Brett/John for their insight and support, James for taking me under his wing, Darrell for his years of experience, and all the PCC out there that truly give their directors the support and care, that means the world to us. THX Tara!(shout out to Katie and Ritu too) P.S. Thanks for all the prayers too.. The power of prayer is a wonderful thing.